Monday, March 31, 2014

More on Empty Spools at Asilomar 03-31-14

My laptop is a little better after a session this morning with "Uncle Dick". He was mystified by some of the little problems, but at least I could post the SQG newsletter.

Here (I hope) are some pictures from Empty Spools at Asilomar.

This one isn't from Asilomar!  It was done by a member of Surfside Quilters Guild in a workshop to make a fabric quilt of our logo.  I just think it is a cool palm tree. 

I needed something to do while I was "on" at Empty Spools so I took several projects and didn't work on any of them.  I found this cute "Piranha Pets" fabric and Liz liked this red guy.  So, I made her a name tag.  A little funky, but she likes it.

This table is where I sat, you can see my machine and Stella lamp on the left.  I draped that piece of gorgeous fabric on the
front of my table so people would admire it and maybe buy some.  I do my usual damage in the shop and helped out the economy.  The Cotton Patch shop is located in the back of Merrill Hall (where everyone gathers in the evening) and they try to bring items students might need for class and fabric that might fit into class work.  They do a lovely thing and take your credit card info the first day and let you run a tab.  I never ask for a total before I leave - what a surprise when I receive my credit card bill. 
This is the view of the partition behind me.  We pinned up about 18 12"X12" quilts depicting birds and left them up for two and a half days, then we replaced them with 12"X12" quilts depicting just anything.  There were a few other slightly larger quilts also pinned to the partition, on each side.  I will try to work out a way that you can see them with titles and makers.  Maybe a Picasa album.

It has taken me more than an hour to post these few images.  They keep disappearing and I have to post them again.  Is anyone else having this much trouble with Blogger?  Or is it my laptop? 


Susan Turney said...

I had to post a photo of a quilt for Art Quilts Around the World yesterday and didn't have a problem with Blogger. Now, however, when I try pull the blog up my IPad goes crazy with the address bar constantly trying to update. I can pull all the other blogs up with no problem!

Terry Grant said...

I recognize one of those little quilts! Looks like a fun time.