Saturday, July 12, 2014

Road Trip - Indiana: Flagstaff to Albuquerque 07-12-14

I have been having trouble with heaviness in my chest and unable to get comfortable at night.  I called and my doctor ordered an inhaler (since I left mine at home) from the CVS in Flagstaff, but that didn't work out, so I called her again and she arranged it for CVS in Albuquerque.  After I checked into the Hampton Inn I zipped over to CVS and picked up a Xopenex puffer which I used immediately.  And it helped immediately.  I think my problem is the altitude (6000' or higher for the last so many hours).  So, I am going to skip Denver, which is a whole mile high, so that I will feel good when I am in Marion for the festivities. I think the exhibit I want to see in Denver is still there when I am driving home, so I might try to see it then.   By-the-way, the pharmacist told me I should wait five minutes between the two puffs, that way the first one opens one's "canals" and the second one goes to work more quickly and effectively.  All these years I've done puffs and nobody ever told me that. 

Sorry, I can't post much tonight, the day was mostly rain and clouds and sunshine.  But I am going to sleep on my laptop now and I gotta get prone.  Maybe I'll be up in the night again.

 When I saw this "graffiti" on the shutter of a restaurant I was ticked - how rude and thoughtless to damage another's property.
 But then I stepped a step to the right, I saw that it isn't graffiti at all, but decorative fish representing Long John Silver's restaurant.
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