Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Inspiration 07-01-14

Now that the SQG July newsletter is finished and posted, I must get busy with the Ruth McDowell quilts I'm sending to Marion, Indiana, for the exhibit that goes along with Ruth's induction into the Quilter's Hall of Fame.  And, at the same time, get ready to go to Indiana for the festivities.  I always leave too much stuff to the very last minute, but I am trying to do better this trip.  I had the Lexus serviced and a "trip check" and tomorrow morning I will write a stack of checks for bills due and about to be due.   And then there is laundry and....... so much more. 
So, I am going to do about a week of "Inspiration" showing pictures I have taken to inspire a quilt or two.  Who knows, I might be seriously inspired and make a quilt..  or two sometime this summer.
 This is a fence next to a dilapidated garage in Placentia.  In many of these older areas the Asparagus Fern Plumosus (the one used by florists so often with roses) has become a noxious weed.  As you see it is doing well vining through the fence cracks

You see how dilapidated the door is.  I wonder if this hinge would survive it someone tried to open the door. 
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Sonia said...

What you have here is "found art".
Love it!

Rebecca said...

I especially love the little fern on the left leaning over the knothole, but it all looks like it's pushing its way through to say "hello." Wonderful texture. I didn't know things got to age like that in SoCal!

When I was asking my mother (a Calif. native) about plants around here, she sent me a "Jacaranda" note card. It was before I started quilting, but in retrospect, I believe it was a Ruth McDowell quilt print. Nice.