Friday, June 5, 2015

It's the Berry time of year 06-05-15

You have noticed that I am fond of berries, one of my most favorite foods.  I had hoped when I was in the Pacific Northwest this year I would find some berry stands along the way, but it was too early in the summer. 
Berries on the Road - Oregon  2011 
Giant and delicious raspberries - Portland, OR  2005

Dessert waffle from Bruxie in Orange, CA - 2011

Marionberry Pie - Pacific Grove, CA  2011
Semifreddo w/raspberry center -Solare - SDiego   2013
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Loretta said...

Oh weakness....berry pie! You've just added another inch to my waistline!!!!

deb-of-pixeladies said...

You made my mouth water. I used to have a raspberry farm nearby. The young farmer had several varieties of raspberries. Since my mom and I really loved a particular cultivar of low yield fall bearing berries, he would reserve the rows for us. They weren't good for shipping, but they had the perfect raspberry taste. Not like the store-bought varieties. If he were still around, I would have carefully packed some berries and overnighted them to you, Del. I miss Art and his berries!