Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Rude Awakening 07-14-15

I woke up this morning to the sound of chainsaws, a noise that turns my stomach.  I looked out front and saw "men in trees"!  The owners had recently had the pine trees trimmed, but the house has been sold and the first thing new owners seem to do is cut down all the big trees.  Trees are "messy" and required regular pruning.  But they are beautiful.
Thirty years ago this view was full of tall trees, but only these three remain. 

It looked like they were cutting too low to be decapitating trees.

And it turned out they were only trimming the street tree, a crape myrtle which is about 22 feet tall.  They left the stack of trimmings and their warning sign all day until finally the chipper came and went off with the sign.  Whew! 
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