Thursday, August 13, 2015

Fiber Postcard class 08-13-15

I taught a Fiber Postcard class yesterday, but  I didn't ask the students if I could put their cards on my blog.  So, here are four that I made in years past.   I only have pictures of them now, but I have a large acid free box full of cards that I acquired when I belonged to www.postmark'
The students enjoyed looking at the different techniques, designs and motifs on the cards.
Three Blue Tulips

Bluebird in the Pumpkin Patch.
Three Yellow Flowers.

Cat in the Grass.

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Dolores said...

You are one talented lady!!!

Loretta said...

Yes, Dolores, I agree, Del is an incredibly talented woman and shares so much with all of us. Dear Del, thank you so much for so much! Love, love, love your whimsical post cards and soon new quilts!