Sunday, November 1, 2015

A Funky Chicken from Kristin Shields 11-01-15

I only bid on four quilts at the SAQA online auction this fall.  The special $1000 starting spree turned me off and, to be blunt, I didn't see a lot of pieces that impressed me.  This time I bought "names" instead of impressions. 
"Funky Chicken"  Kristin Shields - Bend, OR 2015  12"X12"
Machine pieced, hand appliqued, machine quilted, embellished with sewing  threads and embroidery floss. 
Another bird for my bird collection and the 2nds of Kristin's pieces in TCQC.  She does beautiful hand embroidery and very nice work in general.

Great fabric on the back.  I always like "fancy" backs, so it is a special surprise to find this on the back of one of the auction quilts.

Nice, easy to read label with a contact so I can check out her other quilts and see when there is something new I might be interested in buying.
The pictures above are fairly representational of the actual colors, but these final two are waaaay off.  The blue of the bird is much greener and there is no pink on the front of the quilt.  But I want to show Kristin's nice even hand embroidery and the successful machine quilting.
A wing...

...and a head.
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Kristin said...

Thanks Del! I'm so glad you got the chicken because I know he'll have a good home with you. Enjoy!

Loretta said...

Your new chicken is, love, love hand embroidery!