Sunday, July 10, 2016

Jean Ray Laury quilt in TCQC 07-10-16

This quilt became part of TCQC in 2002, although Jean created it in 2001.  I am very pleased to have one of her quilts in the Collection and enjoy looking at all the different techniques she has used.  I posted about it in 2008: 
And again when Jean Ray Laury died in 2011:

People still ask me if I posed for the image.  Hat, sunglasses, saggy jowls - could easily be me, but I was not involved in the design of this quilt. 

"Lowanda Does Hollywood"  Jean Ray Laury  2001  30.5Wx33.5L

Silk screen printing, Thermofax printing, hand drawing, hand painting, foiling, machine piecing and machine quilting.
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sonja said...

She might have watched "Fried Green Tomatoes" and it does look a bit like Kathy Bates to me, anyway,... having never met you Del. JRL was an early painter on whole cloth using printing inks and she was on my radar back in the day! The pioneer art women in your collection are awesome.. thank you for showing and sharing!!

Julia Graber said...

Thank you for sharing Jean Ray Laury's wonderful "Lowanda" quilt. I enjoyed your commentary and had to click back to the links you shared to learn more.