Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Road Trip to Maine - Highs and Lows 08-16-16

It was a gradual up, up, and up drive.  I-70 follows the Colorado River  which becomes smaller as the road goes higher into the mountains.   I had forgotten how steep and winding the road is - steadily climbing it goes through several tunnels until it reaches the top at the Eisenhower - Johnson tunnel which is at a high altitude  and is very long.  I didn't take any pictures this time, but posted some to my blog when I drove I-70 the last time.  I can't locate the tunnel pictures, but here is the link for my trip in 2011.
Then over the top and down, down, down until one is just south of Denver and then, suddenly everything is flat as far as one can see.

I had an early dinner at a Subway in some little town just off the highway and drove until 5pm Mountain Time, so it was 6pm Central Time here in Colby, Kansas, at another HIE.  It was 93F, but very dry, and inside my room I think it was about twenty degrees.  I eventually  had to turn on the heat to warm my hands so I could work at the computer.   Now it is 11pm and I will just label the pictures and go to bed.  Tomorrow on to Missouri.

This is the Colorado River, right up against the highway.
Occasionally white water rafts can be seen negotiating the rapids.  There are two in this picture, one on the far left  and one right in the middle of the image with a bush partially blocking them.

Sometimes the rapids are interspersed with calm water - a break in the terror.
And when the water is calm there are wonderful reflections.
On the other side of the road there are elevated roadways for the southbound traffic. It is a really narrow canyon.
Here is the entrance to one of the tunnels.

And the view inside.

And an "artsy" view as I came to the exit.

I tried to get a picture of the sunflowers blooming along the roadsides and in the median, but this is the best I could do.  They do well right against the pavement because they get the  water runoff.

Ski trails dominate the hills behind Vail and other ski resorts.
There is the tree line up at 12,000 Feet.

And down through the mountains until one hits bottom at.....

The east side of the Rockies.  This is just past Denver looking north...

...and looking south.

And on and on....

...and on.

I pulled off the road at a ramp accessing Vona, CO, to use my cell phone.  I couldn't hear for the road noise.  Here was this abandoned house.
The pavement immediately turned into a dirt road.
And the usual acre of junked cars and trash.

And on and on.... including the road construction.  Of course they do it in the summer, when else would there be sunshine and no snow.
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