Sunday, August 7, 2016

More KoKo 08-07-16

I took KoKo to a new groomer, much closer to where I live than San Clemente.  She asked me how I wanted him trimmed and I didn't really have an answer except he didn't need a top knot with a bow on his head.  I said I thought he needed less hair in the hot weather we have been having.  She took me at my word and he now has a real summer haircut.   
Here is the little guy on July 28th, before his summer haircut.
And here he is on August 6th with all his "feathers" cut off.

He really didn't want to stand still for pictures.

"I don't want to stand up and have my picture taken."

No "feathers" left.
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1 comment:

Loretta said...

He's cute! It is my belief, I've been the owner and loving companion of poodles and semi-poodles, that after the pup goes to the groomer he/she feels naked!!! I think we would do the same if our hair were cut off except for a short amount! I always thought how I feel when my hair is cut shorter than I had hoped and I no longer look or feel like I thought I did or at least once did!!! I think we assume dogs and perhaps all animals have no feelings or thoughts about how they look or feel, but I believe they do. I think KoKo is hiding from the camera because of a haircut that feels to him a bit uncomfortable or at least different from his usual self. He'll be fine once it grown in a little. There is also something to be said for hair being insulation from not only cold but from heat too! Just thoughts.