Saturday, August 13, 2016

On the Road tomorrow 08-13-16

It is a good thing I added a few extra days to my trip because I didn't get away today.  I left all the packing until today and it was so hot in my garage that I had to keep stopping to wipe off the sweat and rest my aching back.  By the time everything (except the laptop, the ice chest and I) were in the car I was too tired to drive very far.  I thought about driving to Barstow and spend the night, but finally opted to save the $$ that would cost and just leave in the morning.   I hope I have everything I am supposed to have for Elizabeth Busch's class at Schoodic Institute in Acadia Nat'l Park.  And enough clothes to not have to stop multiple times at a Laundromat.  Something I hate to do when on a road trip.

High temperatures promised for the next week.  Hope my A/C holds up.  I'm looking forward to driving through Virgin River Canyon, as I did in 2012.

I-15 almost to the Nevada border  2012

Virgin River Canyon - Nevada  2012

Virgin River Canyon - Nevada  2012
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Susan Turney said...

Have a great trip! I look forward to your posts!

Carol said...

Safe travels, friend!

Loretta said...

I'll be thinking of you all the way. Take care, stay cool and watch out for those BIG trucks! They are excellent drivers and good road guides but BIG!
Happy travels!

Beverly said...

If you are coming through Utah again, let me know- I'd love to treat you to dinner again!