Sunday, October 30, 2016

Down to San Diego and back today 10-19-16

An amazing trip to San Diego that took only one hour and 30 minutes down and one hour and 40 minutes back!   Light traffic and only one hangup in Oceanside where there was an accident.  I drove down for a donor recognition event which was a Hat Party.  So, everyone wore a hat and some created hats there at the musesum.  It was a fun evening, but not well attended.  I have some pictures, but didn't ask if I could post them, so I'll only do one of Beth Smith the Museum Director.   I wore my very special Columbian hat presented several years ago by the Westside Quilters Guild, there will be pictures of that from somone else's camera.

KoKo is staying with his friends Dee and Ed until tomorrow morning.  He seemed really happy to be at their house again.  Hope he is a good dog while he is there.  I gave him a beauty appointment this morning, so he was looking quite handscome for his visit.  

Beth Smith photographing Kay Laboda.
Quilt in the background is "Alike But Not The Same III" by Peggy Brown of Indiana.
Beth Smith doing a presentation on next year's exhibits. 
Quilt in the background is "Line Study" by Margaret Black of Pennsylvania.
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