Monday, September 4, 2017

No browsing this week. 09-04-17

I have been working on the Surfside Quilters Guild newsletter this past week and haven't had time to do much browsing.  It is another 20 pager with the thirty-three challenge quilts pictured.  I wish I could have put in the stories with each quilt, but that would have been at least a 30 page newsletter - more than I care to do or most members care to read!  The quilts are worth a look - 33 quilters started with the same theme and the same three fabrics and every quilt is individual and unlike any other.  It always amazes me.
The weather has moderated and the high today was only 87F, down from 108F on Friday.  Whew!
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1 comment:

Dolores said...

Wow! Wonderful variety of quilts from same fabric. Great job!