Sunday, May 6, 2018

Looking back at quilts 05-06-18

I was talking to a friend about quilts in our past and I told her that there was only one quilt that I wish I had not sold.  It was one I made for the now defunct Kansas Art Quilters.  They accepted me as a member and I enjoyed participating in their many exhibits around Kansas/Missouri for a few years.  But I suppose they couldn't continue when members weren't willing to serve as officers and what could I do, so many miles away,  

"Color Bowls 1"  Del Thomas 2001  36"W x 34"L.
Cotton fabric, batting, thread. 
Fused, machine pieced and quilted.  

The original design inspiration was the game "Tiddly Winks" which was very popular in my childhood (c1945).  The rings are built with fused crescent shaped pieces.  Originally the little squares were going to be round, but that was too much roundness, so I changed them to squares.  The shadows in the background were accidental when I laid the white background fabric over some black fabric on my table.  Hmph - that looked cool.  
I took this one picture to send for the entry and thought I would take more when the quilt returned to me.  Although it was marked NFS there was a couple who wanted to buy it so the person in charge of the exhibit called me to see if I would sell it.  I said no.  She called me back an hour or so later asking again.  So, I said sure, I'd sell it for $700, thinking that nobody would pay that for this little quilt made by an unknown quilter.  They wrote the check!   It was gone and I have always regretted selling it.  I still like it a lot and wonder if it is still cherished or if it turned into a doggie bed.  

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1 comment:

Loretta said...

Yes, it is a fun, fun quilt! I haven't thought about Tiddly Winks for a very long you think it is still played? Perhaps there's a iPad version! Have you sat down at the sewing machine recently? I'm sure you still have that whimsical bent! Hugs.