Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Sewing Again! 08-28-18

After at least a year and a half I have started sewing again.  Sitting down at the machine (newly cleaned and oiled) I really enjoy hearing that sewing machine buzz again.  
Why?  You may ask and the answer is DEADLINES.  Nothing like some pressure to get the creative juices flowing.  This project is not finished, but will be by the end of the week and I can go on to another deadline.  

"White Camellias"  Del Thomas  2018  21"W x 22.5L
Commercial cottons and batiks, cotton batting.  Fused and machine appliqued and quilted. 

This will be the September monthly mini for Surfside Quilters Guild in San Clemente.  I do a monthly mini every year, some more successful than others.  The goal is to sell lots of raffle tickets at the meeting to add to the income of the guild.   Hope some people like this one. 

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sonja said...

Glad it has cooled off enough to sew where you are! Your Camellias
are coming along well!i too have a project that is a white flower i'll paint on muslin to eventually quilt. Thinking about a green or ocher background or both!

Loretta said...

Wonderful to see your new quilt and it's wonderful that you're sewing again....keep on going and going and going. I love your little quilts. I've not seen any large ones, but I'll bet in the drawer there are some.
Take care.