Monday, December 31, 2018

KoKo time again 12-31-18

Another year is almost gone - more quickly each year.   KoKo and I are staying warm and out of the wind - no walk this evening, just a quick piddle in the backyard and back inside out of the very gusty, strong wind.  

It is a good thing I am able to sew up KoKo's toys as he is very hard on them.  He loves his Froggie, almost to rags, so he frequently has to have surgery.  

This was just a simple open seam on the back of his neck.  

But you can see how bad his scars are.  There isn't much fabric left on Froggie's back and butt, so I have had to put in an under lining so there is something to sew on to.  

He does love his Woodstock, new this past month.  But it is not very heavy so doesn't throw very far.  

But he does take it to bed now and then.  

We wish all of you a Happy New Year, hoping that 2019 will be better than 2018.

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Anonymous said...

A happy New Year to you, too. Thank you for such a good read on your blog throughout the year. I feel I know lots about your country even though I did not manage to visit.

Loretta said...

Del, The very best of new years to you and Koko too!
Take care and stay well.