Wednesday, June 5, 2019

A repeat from five or six years ago 06-04-19

All those years ago I was having trouble with carpal tunnel and arthritis and had to wear a brace on my right hand - day and night.  Now I am there again.  My right hand/wrist/elbow/shoulder has been so terrible sore for about two months.  I finally had an appointment with the hand doctor.  My choices? Live with the pain, have cortisone shots, have surgery.  My choice, of course, was #2.  The doctor gave me the shot and by the next morning the pain from the carpal tunnel was pretty much gone.  The arthritis, naturally, remains.  All I can do for that is apply ointments for pain relief and take Tylenol.  

Today I went to the hand clinic in Orange and the nice lady custom made a night brace that covers hand and wrist.  The one I had previously only covered my hand.  It is a fascinating process to watch her take a flat piece of plastic and by cutting, shaping, heating in 157degree water, and fitting it to my hand, create the beige brace you see at the bottom.  The black brace is for daytime wear and is a commercial product.  I've been wearing one that only covers my hand, now in the daytime I need to wear this one that covers hand and wrist.   I hope this, along with the cortisone shots will solve my problem, I really dread having surgery.  

 Meanwhile, it seems I will have to learn some new sewing habits.  Since I am relearning, I will just learn a new way at the same time.  She even showed me how I should be pinching thumb and first finger together, something I thought I knew how to do all my life!  I need to pinch in the middle of my thumb and not just to the right side of it.  Who knew??

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Loretta said...

I am so, so sorry....what a pain-in-the-neck! This slows down your quilting I'll bet! For that I'm even sorrier! Did she help you find a way to sew so you changed your machine-hand/arm set up? Re: Jelly Roll Race...I've finished the face of the quilt....with Kaffe fabric it is bright and cheerful! I'll email a pix to you when I'm finished. I just email for more fabric for the initial thoughts on the project didn't include a border. I'm ordering from a Grants Pass quilt shop where I purchased the jelly roll and I received note this morning the fabric is on its way! Almost easier then going across the Bay to my favorite shop. Del, rest that wrist and hand and slowly get back to project at hand! ;-)

Martha Ginn said...

Del, so sorry for your pain! Here's hoping your custom hand brace gives you the relief you need. I had carpal tunnel surgery on R hand many years ago caused by tennis; 100% successful outcome. Then I had the L one repaired in order to have knee replacement surgery (and use a walker) at age 79 four years ago. Again, 100% successful, followed by the knee. Nobody wants to have surgery, but when debilitating pain makes your life miserable, it might be the best option. Sending you good wishes!

Sherrie Spangler said...

So sorry to read this, but hopefully the braces will help.