Monday, June 10, 2019

Setting aside another WIP 06-10-19

I am going to have to add this to my UFOs for now.  Does WIP (Work in Progress) sound more "professional" than UFO?  Since I am not going to be working on the quilt for a while, I don't want to claim it is "in progress".  

After looking through piles of fabric for something to use for a border I decided that the best border would be made from some of the same fabrics.  So, I sent off to the Nimble Thimble Quilt Shop in Gilroy, CA, where I bought the first jelly roll, asking her to send me another.  It came today.  But, like I said, I have to set it aside and try to make a few deadlines that are looming.  Who knows when I will be able to get back to it?  And the hundreds (probably) of other UFOs lurking in my house.  

One of the things I found difficult in sewing the strips together was the shredding.  I think next time I would buy a jelly roll with pinked edges .  And I will do some trimming on this one before I unroll it.  Might help. 

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1 comment:

Loretta said...

Thank you. Once again we're on the same page. I have finished the face, ordered and have received fabric for the border and binding, which I'm not sure how I'm using it as the face is soooo colorful and I'm having a hard time seeing what border/edge to use. Anyway, all still await my inspiration. Kaffe's roll is pinked....that means very tiny little specks of thread are all over everywhere until the pink point gets to the first solid thread row! I've been using a thread picker-upper constantly in the hopes of corraling the tiny fabric dots -- yes, they too are colorful! ;-) Love it all. Take care and stay well. P.S. Did you rescue Froggy?