Friday, August 28, 2020

The end of the SAQA alphabet challenge 08-27-20

These are the last two quilts I posted on the SAQA alphabet challenge on Facebook.   There are no quilts starting with "X" or "Z" in the Collection.


"W" is for "Winter Tree"  Britt Friedman  2002  27"W X 34.5"L

When this quilt was hanging in the museum I sat to look at it and three ladies came through looking at the quilts. One looked closely at this piece and said to her friends, "Well, it isn't really a quilt, it is just a photograph." See how far we have come in 18 years? I do love this quilt and admire the artist's exploration of photos on fabric.

"Y" is for "Yellow-headed Blackbird" by Ruth Powers  2009  12" square. 

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Carol said...

We loved seeing your quilts this way, Del!

Loretta said...

Thank you Del, Ruth Powers' quilt is wonderful!