Friday, October 16, 2020

Still dragging 10-16-20

Thank you for your comments on last evening's blog post.  It is really hard to be sick when one is alone.  Thankfully my friends from Book Group and some neighbors are nearby and willing to help me out.  I have not been able to walk without a walker and I certainly can't drive in pain and taking pain pills.  So, I have to rely on others to get me around.  Today Carol picked up some things from the market and delivered KoKo's anti-flea pill to him.  In all my confusion it is two weeks late!  Since he walks out doors along with all the other dogs he is exposed and fleas will jump onto any warm blooded critter.  Hope I got it in time.  

Carol's husband, Dick, who stayed with me in the ER the first weekend of October has himself been in the hospital with heart problems.  His five day stay ended today.  We hope the meds will keep everything going correctly.  

I have struggled to do anything but moan and groan and nap.  In all this time I have read only one book because I can't concentrate.  It was "The Concrete Blonde" by Michael Connelly, one of his Harry Bosch tales.  Not the best, but since I have read most of the series it was easier to read because the local and characters are familiar.  I'm starting on Anne Cleeve's "The Moth Catcher" from her Vera series.   I would really like to sew and thought I could quilt on a couple completed tops, but no luck with that.  SAQA is calling for fish images for the 2021 SAQA conference.  Table favors?  Small auction?  Just decorations?  Don't know.  So, I thought I could whip up a hanging fish.  Managed to cut a pattern and find some bright fabrics, but had to give up with exhaustion.  Whew!  Have no energy at all.  But if I do a little bit at a time maybe I can finish it and get it in the mail on Monday when I FINALLY go to the doctor's office and find out what the MRI had to say.   Little tiny steps.

Do comment if you are so moved.  Makes a bright spot in my dreary, half conscious day.  Facebook has some great quilty stuff, but the politics are drowning it out.  

Where is Spelling on this new Blogger?

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Gerrie said...

So sorry to hear you are in so much pain. You are such an inspiration to me with your normal activity level. Wish I lived closer and could be of some help. I hope you find the cause and treatment on Monday. Many thanks to your friends and neighbors for their assistance. As if the pandemic wasn't enough of a bother.

Mary Ann said...

Feel your situation keenly since it as been an up and down year for me also. Try to stay out of ICU!!! I am putting you on my prayer list.

Shelina (formerly known as Shasta) said...

I am glad you have friends who can help you now. I hope you heal quickly. I wish Dick well also.

Kay Taylor said...

I am so glad to see you back! I've been checking every day and hoping you felt well enough to write again.
I've read everything Connelly has written and really like the Bosch series. Have you watched the Amazon Bosch series? They have been very well done and I've enjoyed them. Vera is another of my favorites. I think I only have a couple more to read and since I enjoy Cleeves' style, maybe I'll try the Shetland series, as well.
I do hope the MRI is useful and there is some effective treatment.
I am keeping you in my thoughts and hoping you are able to be reunited with KoKo soon.

Martha Ginn said...

Del, I'm late reading about your sciatica--so sorry! What a trooper to add the flying fish at this time. You must be lost with KoKo away but it's good he is being cared for. Sending prayers for relief and better days!