Wednesday, February 3, 2021

A Finished Project - Hurrah! 02-03-21

 But it is very small - only 8" X 7".  And it is a Mug Mat.  But it is actually complete and it makes me feel that I may start being creative again.  If you look back at my post for 01-19-21 you will read the beginning of this story.  I wasn't pleased by the light green fabric so I over-fused it.  The color in this picture is all screwed up, it is much brighter than this, and greener.  I will try to "fix" it, but I have discovered that what I see on my screen is not necessarily what you see on yours!  

Commercial cotton fabrics, hand-dyed fabric, cotton thread and batting.  Fused, machine quilted, hand embroidered, overcast binding.

It needed some details and also some lightness in the bottom 1/4, so I hand embroidered some leaves using #8 perle.  The white on the bird is also hand embroidery, but using #12 perle.  

I hope the lady I am sending this to will enjoy it.  She celebrated her 87th birthday in January, but I didn't finish this in time.  I do think at our age we should celebrate for at least a week and maybe even a whole month.  Especially this year when we have been so repressed for the past eleven months.  
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Anonymous said...

Lovely, Del. Your friend is going to be delighted.

sonja said...

lovely gift. i agree,
celebrate daily i often say, at our senior hood age why not!!!

Loretta said...

Beautiful, yes, inspirational, absolutely! Be so pleased you designed, collected fabric, sewed, trimmed, fused, and more this lovely little quilt for a friend. You are on a roll! Stay well my friend.