Saturday, February 6, 2021

I'll have to try harder! 02-06-21

It is really difficult to think of anything to blog about.  As for many of us, my days are so much the same.  I'm not even motivated to take many pictures when we go for our walks.  I know I am not alone in this problem.  I belong to a Facebook Group "Elder Orphans" which I enjoy and learn a lot from people who are dealing with the same sorts of things I am dealing with.  Today there was a post with many comments from members who are having the same Covid-19 problem - nothing of interest in their lives.   This evening I looked back through pictures from years past.  And found these taken on February 5, 2020, when the boys in the cul de sac and I went to a local ice cream shop after I picked them up from school.  We did go a few times after this, but the pandemic curtailed our "Ice Cream Explorations".   And they stopped going to school, staying home with their dad who had to work from home.  

This is at Rich Farms Ice Cream in Placentia.  It is a large space and did a good business.  They have dozens of different flavors.

Emmanuel had mint flavor.

Julian had something blue - don't remember the flavor. 

Julian is actually sitting still for a minute.  He is a wiggle worm and likes to make faces. 

I do see them occasionally.  Isolation is a bitch, isn't it?

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Loretta said...

Thank you for sharing your ice cream shop adventure....take care and stay well.

abelian said...

Yes, I'm feeling dreary too. But this afternoon, I got my second Covid vaccination! So maybe by March 1 I'll feel safe going out now and then. But still wearing a mask, of course. I'm glad you have KoKo. I can't imagine being totally alone with no pet. My cat has a rountine, and makes be get up at the usual time and go to bed on time. Dottie