Saturday, May 22, 2021

Favorite rose and decluttering 05-22-21

My favorite rose again - Brandy.  My second choice is Mr. Lincoln, but I managed to kill that bush and have not replaced it.  I miss the fragrance. 

The changes in medications the doctor recommended may be working!  Although I am still dragging my tail and get so very, very tired at times, my mind seems to be back on track, or almost.  So, not only have I taken books to the Bookman, yesterday I took four smallish boxes of "no-longer-needed" stuff to Charity's Closet, a resale place supporting philanthropic efforts of the Placentia Presbyterian Church.  It is impossible to tell that anything has been removed from my very messy house, but I know they are gone and I feel good about it.  Now to start a few more boxes, putting in things that I don't use or need as I come across them.  Might start with the upper shelves in the kitchen since I have shrunk and can no longer reach them without a ladder and am too old and wobbly to climb a ladder.  Anyway, it is a bit of progress. 
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Loretta said...

Bravo! Bravo! One box at a time, one shelf of books at a time, one basket of fabric scraps at a are truly setting a fine, fine example for this lady. Thank you so much.
Stay well.

Carol said...

I wonder if you could engage Immanuel to climb the ladder and hand things down to you, then haul the boxes to the car. I’m trying to think of someone young who could do this!