Saturday, May 29, 2021

More flowers 05-29-21

So quiet around our neighborhood, many people are away for the holiday weekend.  It is almost eerie.  During the pandemic it was quiet, but there were always cars parked on driveways or at the curb.  Today there are very few cars and no noise from garden or garage work,  Not even kids playing in the cul de sac in the evening.   I hope you all are having a quiet time or are vacationing some place fun.

I am still struggling with weakness and need to do something about it before I sort of grow into my chair.  The doctor took blood for blood work and I will see her again next week for results.  I also have an order for PTherapy and need to see if I can get some day this coming week.  Probably not with the three day weekend.  Meanwhile I mostly read and nap and take care of KoKo, who can be VERY demanding.  But also very loving.  


This is a hybrid penstemon that I have not seen before.  The yard where it grows is always loaded with lovely flowers and the owner keeps them trimmed and tidy.  
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Mary Ann said...

I know the feeling! Naps-R-Us! I am fine and frisky one day and overdo it. I.e., the lawn is mowed in 2 sessions. . .the next day I nap all day. But it is getting better. Thank God for Bob, he says WAKE UP! we need a walk and I feel better in the fresh air.

Shelina (formerly known as Shasta) said...

Those are such beautiful flowers. I haven't seen them before. Our neighborhood is very lively with fireworks right now. I think they are having a block party a block over from us.

Rebecca said...

I enjoy your flower pictures, and the knowledge you share about them.

I hope your lack of energy is something simple!