Friday, January 21, 2022

Friday Food 01-21-22

                  Another "Round Dinner"!  Guess this is sort of my comfort food.  

Brussels sprouts, little tiny red potatoes, cocktail meatballs from TJoe's. 

I microwave the sprouts and the potatoes with a Tablespoon or so of water for about half time, then add the meatballs and set for the other half time.  Check for doneness and do whatever more time til they are done.  I like a little sauce and especially enjoy TJoe's Blue Cheese/Pecan dip, but think that is only available in the fall.  The onion dip is also good.  Just add a few spoonsful and stir it around. 
What you see in the picture is almost enough for two meals, if not I saute a few little mushrooms and add them to the reheated leftovers.   I also cook this with broccoli when I don't have sprouts.  But then it isn't all round.  

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1 comment:

Loretta said...

Sounds like mine, too!! LOVE BSprouts -- I need to visit TJs today and will find the meatballs! Thanks for the idea! I love the Heifer gift idea, too! I've done Heifer International years ago for my family, but this shared donation is wonderful for my quilting and painting groups! Boy, I miss these women. We have met on Zoom a few times, but visiting with a real being-- nothing beats it!
Take care and stay well.