Thursday, March 10, 2022

An answer and a rose! 03-10-22

The picture in yesterday's Wordless Wednesday blog is copied from the Internet.  It is an electron microscope image of kidney stones, which are like grains of sand.   No wonder they are so painful.  But also rather beautiful in their precision.


Also sharp, but beautiful, here is a bloom on the rosebush Suzanne pruned two weeks ago.  She left a couple small buds that reached for the sun. 

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abelian said...

Thanks for the solution to the Wednesday photo! I knew it had to be an electron microscope image, but had no idea what it showed. The shapes are like crystals, with the angles determined by whatever chemical it is. Google says they can be calcium or oxalate. Dottie

Loretta said...

Wow! Ouch! Thank you.

The rose is gorgeous!