Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Miscellaneous and a CAR! 03-15-22

 A busy day.  As usual I have procrastinated and am no where close to leaving on Saturday for Empty Spools.  But I have two ladies riding with me, so I better get ready, huh?  Saw the periodontist and he says my gum surgery is looking good, so he removed the stitches.  Had my Lexus serviced and they did a "trip check" - Castner's Auto is so good to me.  Attended the Surfside QGuild Board meeting on ZOOM for an hour.  Finally figured out, with the help of my friend Dick Bednar, how to send a photo album to the SQG newsletter editor - or just anyone, for that matter.  Walked, fed, played with KoKo and got his "overnight" bag ready to go with him on Saturday to his keeper.  AND I had a little nap.  Sooo much to do, but I just have to rest sometimes.  Age I guess.  

I stopped at the ATM and there was this marvelous car parked in front.  A pristine 1957 Corvette.  While I was taking pictures the owner came out.  He purchased it recently, already restored.  Made my heart go Pitter-Pat - the car, not the owner!  

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Loretta said...

Oh, my gosh, a magnificent machine! Del, when you and I grew up and in the 50s, 60s, cars were distinctive in design and special features. I wish today's autos were as distinctive...yes, there is my Mini, and the Prius, but almost after those two...most others are undistinguishable! The difference mostly is the size and whether or not its an SUV. Hard while driving to know what's in front of you or that you just passed! Just saying! Have a grand, grand time at Asilomar...

Sherrie Spangler said...

It sounds like you've been busy! Have a wonderful time at Empty Spools.

Carol said...

Fabulous car! You have a beautiful day to get ready!