Monday, June 6, 2022

Last of the peonies 06-06-22

Cut peonies don't last very long, they are happier uncut and out of doors.  But I have enjoyed them so much over the years.  I love seeing them open from their hard, tight buds and spread wide open, changing color every day.  Mine were white when the petals started falling last evening and the largest flower was a bit over six inches.  They have gone into the yard trimmings barrel, but I have pictures to enjoy! 

I am still not feeling well and have no energy.  I haven't received my second booster because the previous shots have put me down for a couple days and I already feel bad.  Maybe later this week.  Meanwhile several people I know have contracted the virus lately - after being vaccinated and boosted.  After two years of avoiding it!  I am still masking when I go out and trying to social distance even when masked.  

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1 comment:

sonja said...

Dell, i too continue to mask up when i go out thou i rarely go out. today was for post office issues, hair cut and food shopping. i think it is a good idea as i see a lot of younger folk and tourists that don't..... I don't think covid is over, but then i am old! So i keep a mask in purse and some in car. i feel tired a lot and often and sleep is a blessing when i can get some!
I hope you feeling better. be well, sonja