Sunday, May 21, 2023

Happy Birthday #9 to KoKo 05-20-23

Here is KoKo ignoring his new toy - Lambchop.  The clerk at Petsmart removed the tags so KoKo could enjoy it immediately.  So, by the time we arrived home he had killed the squeaker.  Guess I will be doing Lambchop  surgery tomorrow!    Organ replacement seems to be very popular lately.  

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Mary Ann said...

My mother had a Bichon Frise who was a hunter. She killed birds, mice, moles and ground hog babies. She would get a mole and play with it until it quit squeaking. My collie would just sit and watch her. She had a few adventures with a skunk also. She did not win those adventures.

Sherrie Spangler said...

Happy Birthday, little KoKo!!!