Sunday, May 14, 2023

Thomas Contemporary Quilt Collection 05-14-23

Some viewers ask how I decide what to add to TCQC and I don't really have an answer.  The piece must "speak" to me in some way, but there is a great variety in topic, size, color, technique - well, in every way.  Some pieces I would like to add are way out of my price range, some are too dimensional and would require special storage, some are just oo large.  I don't know what appeals to me in this work by  Pamela Allen, but I do like much of her work and there are about six pieces in the Collection.   I love this one, despite  it's weirdness! 

"The  Cherry Picker"  Pamela Allen  2005  20"W X 25"L

This is the first of Pamela's quilts I purchased at an online auction in 2006.  I was surprised when it arrived that the cherries are actual round, hard cherries that hang by their plastic stems.   Her hand is a glove that Pamela cut out and the eyes she printed on fabric and cut out.  The applique is all hand done and many of the fabrics are from the 2nd hand store.   You can see what I said about this piece in 2009  at this page:

                 "Watching TV in Bed"  Pamela Allen  2014  9.5"W x 7.5"L

This is a tiny piece, only 9.5"W X 7.5"L.  It hangs in the guest bedroom, where I do my PTherapy exercises, and it always makes me smile at the memory of my late husband.  
Here is what I said about it when I purchased it: 

Check out the quilts that Pamela has for sale on her website.

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1 comment:

Sherrie Spangler said...

I've always loved her art, which I discovered when we had the old quilters forum. I sure do miss that place.