Friday, May 5, 2023

Miscellaneous 05-05-23

Had enough roses?  Just want to add this image of white landscape roses used as a sort of hedge .  There are six bushes here, all covered  with blossoms.  No fragrance. 

The oral surgery is doing just great.  No bleeding, no real pain, just a tenderness and  then you probaby understand about disciplining one's tongue to 

My phone would not charge last night.  It dropped to zero and stayed there even as I tried all three charger cables.  Went to Best Buy to see the Geek Squad guy.  He diagnosed it instantly, my charger cords were dead.  After buying two new cords I took a  stroll around the large store and saw things I have no knowledge of.  Perhaps I isolate myself too much.  One thing they do not have is a plain old toaster oven - might have to go to a resale shop for that.  Air fryers, air purifiers, air coolers, ... just to mention the "A"s.  Many things I have no idea what they are used for.  Do you think I should get out more?   I would like a "Ring" doorbell installed, but the choices are more than I could sort out.    I went on the gas up the car, shopped at TJoe's where there is an abundance of flowers.  Purchased some lilacs for myself - how I do love them and they do not grow locally.  And some bouquets for friends.  It is a special treat to have someone buy me flowers and I think everyone deserves that now and then. . And it is May! 

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Sherrie Spangler said...

Those roses are gorgeous! I didn't know cable cords could die. I don't know much about technology and it's a miracle my phone and laptop are still working. I got brave last week and ordered a portable phone charger for when I travel and had to FaceTime my son to figure out how to use it, then it ended up draining my phone so I returned it.

Rebecca said...

That was news to me, too!
I was having trouble with my phone draining too quickly. I called the Apple store to find about a new battery. After we found my battery has 83% of its original capacity, he walked me through some ways to not drain it as fast. But I cannot keep it charged (in case of electrical outage) if I use it at all!