Tuesday, July 11, 2023

The first really hot day.

Today was the first really hot day this summer - 97F.  I realize that other parts of the country have bee excessively hot, but our temps have only been in the low 80s.  I  have  the whole house fan on to draw in some of the cooler night air.  I have  rarely seen the heat carry into the night hours, it always cools off 20 degrees or more. 

Cheesecake with whipped cream, chocolate, and  strawberries.

Green tea ice cream with chocolate drizzle at Ikiru.

Peach Ice Cream with black berries. 

I wish I had something cold and wicked like these, but I have to settle for....

Talenti Coffee Chocolate Chip Gelato
Which is pretty wonderful and what I have in the freezer.

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Loretta said...

Thank you for the Gelato information...I have been wondering your favorite....mine is Pistachio! Yum!!!!!

Rebecca said...

Those desserts look so very good! I had a piece of lemon meringue pie today, and wish I had eaten only half (and brought some home).

Your previous post on summer flowers: the jacarandas (I think of as a spring flower) are finally in bloom! I don't think I've ever seen them so late, but they are very welcome.