Saturday, October 28, 2023

It was a gorgeous day. 10-28-23

The temps have been in the 70s for  a few days with night temps in mid 50s.  I know it will get hot again, it  always does this time of  year.  We could still  have 100 in November, plus wind.  Of course, we do still have blooms and one long blooming plant is the Plumeria.  I think  it must have been an "in" plant when these  houses were landscaped so many decades ago,  because there are a great many plumeria trees around. 

Most are white, like this one, and some are, again like this one, actual trees.  It grows on the south facing side of a one story stucco house. There are actually two along with a nice sized Jacaranda tree.  Such a nice fragrance when we walk by. 

They bloom in clusters of up to 10 - 20 flowers.  I have  heard that the red variety has a stronger fragrance, but there are few red ones around and I  can't tell  the difference. 

This is the back of one flower from the tree shown above!   The tiny yellow dot is the stem end sticking up.  So amazing that the back is so much different than the front.
I do enjoy seeing the changes in the plants  along our way, even if my memory loses the name at least  half the time.  Maybe the next time I  walk by I will remember!

Here is that great little KoKo cuddled up with his BFF.

I am still having trouble with my spaces.  Guess I need a trip to the Geek Squad. 

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Mary Ann said...

Love the Plumeria! In Northern Ohio it is mum season. Mostly yellows and oranges. My marigold are still blooming though w had a light frost. I pulled my geraniums and will stick them in an indoor planter for the winter. They are pretty hardy.
Of course we have the trees changing color and shedding their leaves. The city is picking up piles from the curb. My lawn guy removes mine so no more piles. In the yrs past my neighbor would park his truck on my pile so the city couldn't ick them up up. Then his sister in law made a habit of parking there for days on end. One day she left and my next door neighbor and I filled her parking spot with a giant mound of leaves. We hauled it all out into the street. We finally got the area cleaned up. Guess she parked elsewhere. that night. Sheesh.

Loretta said...

This is a lovely time of year for connecting with friends and pups with BFFs! Stay well.