Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Another tree gone 05-07-24

Yesterday morning when we walked there were tree trimmer at work. This house was the #1 model home when this tract was developed and stands at the "point" where Warren St. and Brain St. divide. So, the trees were planted in about 1970 pretty old and they haven't received very attentive  care.  The two California Sycamores also shed large leaves and, for some reason, homeowners in S.California do not like trees that shed leaves, or anything else.  Anyway, the guys were only taking down one of the two sycamores.   So sad. Maybe it was diseased, it looked pretty scruffy.   I miss all the trees that have been removed in  the 36  years  we have lived  here.   I  had to  take  out the melaleuca tree that we planted  when  we  first moved in because it decided to grow way over our neighbors driveway and inhibit his access.   There are no trees in our yard,  just the ficus in the neighbors yard which grows right against the fence, half shading both backyards.

Right in  middle is the guy with the chainsaw on top of the stump. 

Here he is cutting off another chunk which he let fall after looking and shouting for all clear below.  

That huge piece down, he adjusts to take another cut.  Notice his chainsaw dangling below his butt. 

Around the corner out of our tract there is a huge planting of Algerian ivy the length of the property.  This they could take out, if they asked me.   I am very allergic to it and get a horrible rash.  In the late 50s and 60s one could hardly walk  a  block  without seeing a sea of this ivy.  It is a foot to a foot and a half deep and shelters rodents and snails.  Take it out!   

 I was trying to take a picture of KoKo next to the ivy to show the depth, but he just wouldn't stand still and wanted to WALK,  Finally I got him to sit, but in my shadow. 

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