Thursday, October 11, 2007

PIQF - Thursday 10-11-07

I am tired tonight after a long day at PIQF. It is a great quilt show, but not as good as some past years, in my opinion. One reason is that there seem to be many 'statement' quilts with dark messages or connections. The war in Iraq, African starvation and AIDS, child abuse, and even one quilt made to cover the quiltmaker's coffin someday (which is quite lovely I'm sure, but.....).

Thursday seems to always be the busiest day, so it was hard to take pictures in the crush, and several of mine were interrupted by moving bodies. But I will be able to retake them tomorrow along with seeing the rest of the quilts.

For years I have taken pictures of Angel Trumpet Flowers (Brugmansia) with the idea of doing a quilt, so I am always interested in what others have done. The Thomas Contemporary Quilt Collection contains a lovely quilt (shown above) by Judy House with her interpretation of the plant (33"W x 42"L). And there are two Angel Trumpets hanging side by side at PIQF in the "New Quilts from Northern California" exhibit. One very realistic (about 30"W x 38"L) by Diana Roberts of Windsor, CA:

And one abstracted view (about 28"W x 20"L) by Gennie Becker of Sebastopol, CA:

More of PIQF tomorrow evening.


June said...

Now you have me curious. You'll have to upload the photo that's missing.

June said...

Ah, you managed in spite of dial-up.

I too love devil's trumpet -- or heavenly trumpet, depending. The church up the street from us (Hinson Bible Church) had a couple of magnificent specimen (I assume they were the heavenly type) but they got done in in a heavy freeze. I have wonderful photos, too, of those trumpets.