Thursday, November 29, 2007

The Book Group 11-28-07

The Book Group met tonight and all eight members were in attendance. That doesn't happen very often - someone is always traveling or having a family event or something. I have belonged to this group since 1977. Thirty years! Amazing. Three ladies are original members, so they have belonged for maybe thirty-two years - I'm not sure when the group first started meeting. There have been as many as twelve members and as few as seven. We have changed a lot over all those years. Babies have been born, grown up and wed. We have gotten fatter, thinner, smarter, older, divorced and retired. We have lost parents, husbands, siblings, children. We are not as scandalous as some book groups, nor as erudite as others. Each month the hostess chooses the book for the following month, so we have read everything from mysteries to 'literature' - even science fiction (not my favorite). The group has been a continuing thread in my life and I know that I could go to any of the members if I needed help or comfort or advice.

We are meeting early in December, so we will have more than a month to read our book for January - Sara Gruen's "Water for Elephants". I read it last month and found it to be one of those books I couldn't put down. It is a great tale and beautifully written - I recommend it to you all.
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1 comment:

Terry Grant said...

I loved this book. A year or so ago I was on jury duty and while I waited to be called I struck up a conversation with an elderly man who told me about the book. He said it was such a wonderful book he was allowing himself to read no more than 10 pages a day in order to make the experience last longer!