Sunday, December 30, 2007

Construction Fence & Roses 12-30-07

One of the reasons I drove north was to attend a birthday party for Jeanne Mills, a quilting friend who, among other activities, takes groups of quiltmakers to France. It was a lovely party and we visited with many people that we don't see very often. The party, given by her adult children and grandchildren, was at Jeanne's house in Pacific Grove.

I took this picture a few blocks from Jeanne's house. The local planning commission requires an 'outline' of any house, or addition to a house, to prevent encroaching on the existing views from the surrounding houses. I've always thought these outlines fascinating. In the past few months I have shared similar images with Jeanne Williamson, who uses the imprint of construction fencing in her fiber art. But this is the best picture yet - the outline of the addition is very well defined. Like a sketch in the air!

Since my drive home yesterday was entirely in the dark there wasn't much chance for photos. But when I was waiting at In and Out Burgers in Grapevine, CA, I noticed the abundance of blossoms on these landscape roses planted along the building. Usually we have roses blooming well into January, depends on the variety and the care they receive. Many people here prune their roses in February which gives regrowing time for a great blossoming at Easter time.

Corky is staying with me for a few days and today he 'helped' me with my quiltmaking. Which is okay, but in return he thinks he should receive 24 hour petting and rubbing. That means I don't get much sewing done, even with his help! Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

jpsam said...

This another interesting post, Del! I love the "sketch" of the planned addition. And isn't the foliage on the rose so healthy? Is that what good growing is all about? I think I'll go out and whack at my garden.
Happy New Year!