Monday, December 10, 2007

"Lightning" 12-10-07

"Lightning" Del Thomas 2003 10" x 17"
Here is another of the "Weather or Not" quilts. The 'bolts' are fused applique w/edge stitching and the little 'fingers' are machine stitched using #5 perle cotton. Because I use a mechanical machine (1977 Pfaff) I can thread perle cotton on the top - except for #3 which is too thick. Although I was doing the stitching by referring to a photograph, I think there are too many 'fingers'. I definitely should have simplified.
The Poodle Prince went home today and I miss him. It seems so quiet, even though I am always after him for barking, mostly at chimeras. He won't stay with me again until New Year's weekend, but I'll visit him at his house.
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Penny Mateer said...

Hi Del,

Love the Weather or Not series, particularly Lightening. I have been laying low this last year after my father's death and am now getting back to work. Thanks to Holly Knott I can say at last I have a website, just went live a few days ago. Please take a look when you have a chance: Ruth's new webite looks fabulous. And I understand why you purchased Quenching Rain like you I like her new approach mixing commercial with hand dyed fabrics.

jpsam said...

This is positively electric! Maybe you should have simplified but aren't you glad you didn't?