Saturday, February 23, 2008

Machine Wrap Cording 02-23-08

These are some samples from the online class titled "Machine Wrapped Cording". The business is "Creative-Textile-and-Quilting-Arts" (add ".com" and you are on the website). This is the first online class I have taken and I didn't learn anything I didn't already know, but making the samples was a good exercise.
These are the best of them:

The top cord with the variegated thread is all bumpy because we were to try for that effect. But trying to hold on to the cord and feed it under the presser foot was very hard with my arthritic hands. I found that clamping on the cord with hemostats was helpful. I like the green cord on the bottom because it is flat.

The top cord is another flat one which I finished off with a straight stitch right down the middle - handsome, I think. The bottom is another lumpy one, this time caused by the twisting of the selvedge strip.

These are both very stiff and can be shaped into circles or whatever. The plastic wrapped wire is something I found in the garage and is marked "Motorola", so I guess it is something used for sound systems.

I opened a new large box of Quaker Oats last week, leaving me with this plastic coil that formed the pull tab. It has serrations on the inside curve and is smooth on the outside. I thought it might look like a fiddlehead from a fern, but it isn't malleable so the shape is static.

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