Monday, May 12, 2008

Walks in the Park w/Corky 05-12-08

Corky and I walked in the park on Mother's Day and again today. Mother's Day brought out a lot of families - having picnics, playing ball, fishing - there were more people there than I have seen previously.
On Sunday I saw this family of ducks, but have no way of knowing if they are 'my' ducks. The ducklings are about the right size. There seem to be three duck families in the park at this time.

Today I saw this Momma duck and eight juveniles with a goose who apparently is their protector. The picture is blurred because I hied myself and Corky out of his reach since he was eyeing us and getting his dander up. Goose attacks can be painful.

I haven't seen small sailboats like these for quite a long while. They were radio controlled by two guys with an older woman and man sitting on a bench. How nice that they took their parents along to watch them sail their boats. The picnic area in the background was completely filled.

This picture is looking across the lake to the north. To the right there is a wooden bridge which gives access to an island which the fishing people favor. Nice reflections.

I tried to take a picture of three pre-teen girls riding these odd looking scooters. But they went by very fast and all I got was the head of one and the back of another. So, I trapped this image from Amazon, where they are for sale for $99.99. They do look like great fun and they come in adult sizes! Dare I? Naaah! I'm so uncoordinated I'd surely fall off and break something - been there, done that!

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1 comment:

Corky said...

Del, I have one of those Trikes. (that's the name of mine) I thought I could master it, but I've not been able to. My son is great on it and uses it every time he comes to visit. Glad someone uses it.