Sunday, May 4, 2008

A Gorgeous Day 05-03-08

I spent the day with Corky, the Poodle Prince, while his parents went to a convention at the Anaheim Convention Center - not that far, but they were gone all day. It was a gorgeous day with lots of sunshine, not too hot and not much wind. It is my practice to give presents when I find something someone needs or would enjoy, so I bought this new bed for Corky to keep out at the desert. He has a bed out there, but he really needs two - one for his parents room and one for the guest room, at opposite ends of the house. The bed came with a little pillow and a blanket that match - nothing is too good for a Prince, eh?

When we went for our walk we saw a lot of people out enjoying the sun and the water. Dozens of kayakers, groups of people visiting on boats and other people walking their dogs.
These Duffy Electric Boats are very popular in the bays, harbors and channels around Long Beach. Coming up with a great name is very important, I think. The best use 'electric' words!
Cute, huh?
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1 comment:

Patty ♣ said...

The Poodle Prince looks soo cute in his new beautiful bed!