Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Long distance friends 05-07-08

I drove up to Tehachapi today to see my friend Mabel Huseby, who I know from classes at Asilomar. We haven't taken classes at the same session for several years, but we keep up-to-date via e-mail. Mabel's daughter and family live out in the country near Tehachapi, so Mabel and Mac drive down from Washington State a couple times a year to see them. It isn't close to me at all, but a lot closer than way up above Seattle, and we have been wanting a face-to-face visit. We both had quilts to show.

We were going to have someone take a picture of the two of us, but forgot until there was nobody else around. I've never used the "self-timer" on my camera, so I got out the book and we figured it out. The picture above was the first try and we were paying more attention to whether the timer would work than we were to how we looked. You can see the "well, is it going to do anything?" look on our faces.

Good thing we tried again, we look happier here.

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1 comment:

Christine Thresh said...

Ten seconds is a long time. I always think the camera is not going to click, but then it does.