Friday, September 12, 2008

Enchanted w/the moon 09-11-08

It is cooler at night now and the Sycamore leaves are turning brown, seems like autumn is on its way. There were very white broken clouds at 8pm when I left the BCQG meeting in San Juan Capistrano. The moon is waxing gibbous and the moonlight lit up the clouds to make them even whiter. Impossible to take a picture without some glow from the parking lot lights - the green hazy at bottom right. I'd love to have a nice Canon digital w/changeable lens, but I have too many house expenses right now. Maybe in January.
9/11 brings memories to everyone. I couldn't watch much of it on TV, it was too disturbing - I think if I never see another picture of the planes going into the towers I would be happy. The thing I remember most is that the Poodle Parents were on a business trip and were supposed to return on Tuesday evening. Of course, they couldn't fly and couldn't find a car to rent, so they didn't return until Saturday. Meanwhile Corky continued to stayed with me, but I had a responsibility at the BCQG meeting on Thursday night, so I just took him with me! He was so good, he sat on a chair next to me or in his soft bed on the floor. I think it cheered everyone up a bit to have this happy fuzzy white poodle at the meeting. I've taken him three times since then and he is always a good dog. Admittedly, it isn't his favorite thing to do, but he tolerates it.
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Christine Thresh said...

Happiness is a "fuzzy white poodle."

jpsam said...

How do you like "My Life in France," Julia Child's memoir?

Del said...

Joan - I enjoyed it very much. It isn't about cooking, but about her personal life and writing her first cookbook. She was such a phenom when her book was published, I enjoy knowing more about her. Del