Friday, January 30, 2009

Quilts, Lunch & Starbuck's 01-29-09

I didn't do well with pictures today - forgive me, please! I'll do better when I go to see Visions again in a couple weeks.
I drove to Oceanside today to see the Visions exhibit, and I had the great company of my friends Carol and Teresa. It was a gorgeous day with blue skies, blue/green/grey ocean and wind tossed palm trees. Of course, all the trees and everything else were tossing in the Santa Ana winds, but the palm trees are so... exuberant! Carol and Teresa seemed to enjoy having their own personal docent, but they know that when I get talking quilts it is hard to shut me up. Sort of "More than you ever wanted to know about art quilts!" We spent about 1-1/2 hours at the museum.
We had planned to go to Sammy's in Carlsbad for lunch, but it is closed for reconstruction after fire tore through the building. I don't know when it happened, but when I checked online last evening the site said it was closed and I couldn't imagine why. When we slipped off I-5 at Palomar Airport Road to see it was obvious there had been a fire. Since we had lots of time we drove south to the Sammy's on Del Mar Heights Road. Same food, different ambiance. Delicious salads - two w/grilled shrimp and my Chinese Chicken - no desserts. We all had half salads because the whole salads are each enough to feed four!
Our table was near this mosaic wall and we contemplated the strangeness of having cat grass hanging so high - long necked cats? Of course, it is artificial, but seemed to need something else... a flock of tiny birds, a couple frogs, grasshoppers? The beaded lamps are very attractive, but the light that shines below this one is actually my flash reflection. I took a few pictures to get it lined up - nice effect.
In August I posted some pictures of public sculpture around the City of Brea, just north of Placentia, and I wanted to include this one which is between the corner and the drive-thru at Starbucks. I decided to wait until they finished the massive reconstruction of the intersection, but, as you can see, they still have not completed the project. When I stopped this afternoon I thought I might as well take the picture, who knows how many more months the barriers and cones will be there?
I particularly like this piece, but cannot find a plaque w/title and artist's name. And I have not yet visited the Brea Civic Center to buy a listing of the 150+ sculptures the city has required of builders for the Art in Public Places project, but you can see twenty of them by going to:
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lindainbelgium said...

Oy, Del, I am soooo envious of that Oceanside weather. I am just in from a very chilly run for which I had to layer and layer and layer.

I think you ought to bring in something to "plant" in the grass. Surreptiously of course, like a street artist.

3 comments in one from me today because I don't think you know that we share a fascination with road art. Here, there's a real effort to put "something art" in every roundabout--some of it is good, some "interesting" (I must take some more photos) and some of it is for head scratching. France takes the prize for the latter category IMNSHO. Jim and I have taken to calling almost any road art "French Road Art" if it's even borderline strange. -- Linda

dee said...

You do find the most ineresting things and take the best pictures.

Christine Thresh said...

Next time you go to that restaurant, plant a tiny bird in the grass.

Del said...

Oh, dear! My friends are trying to get me in trouble. I wonder if adding things to restaurant decor is a misdemeanor or a felony!

Corky said...

The tile on the restaurant wall is the same stuff I have as the backsplash behind my stove.