Thursday, January 1, 2009

Starting out... 12-31-08

The images we have in our minds for different unsubstantial things is interesting to me. Time, beginnings, air, wind..... etc. I always think of the passage of time as a circle that is traveled counter clockwise through days/weeks/years and a new year as the beginning of a new road - short or long, rough or smooth, flat or uphill. The nature of the road is unknown until I come to another year and look back. I do love a road trip, but some can be intimidating as can be a new year, a new venture, a new job, a new.... anything. We are already three hours into 2009 and I wonder what is ahead. However I'm not going to start celebrating until January twentieth!
I send you all good wishes for health, happiness and prosperity in 2009 and on into the future.
Looking into the future looks a little like this!
It is I-15 going north toward.............................. !!
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Patty ♣ said...

Hi Del!
Happy New Year!
Love the road analogy!

meggie said...

Happy 2009 Del.
I love this pic, & I love the thought we do not know what lies ahead.
I never do lists, nor do I make resolutions. I like to see it all unfold as it will.