Tuesday, June 2, 2009

My Heart's Okay 06-02-09

This is another organ recital! The pains in my chest are not caused by heart problems. I have some fatty deposits - not unusual at my age - and the pressure in my heart is somewhat elevated. The 'cure' for these problems is weight loss and exercise. Those two hateful words that have haunted me all my life. I'll see my GP tomorrow and she and I will have to come up with something. No liquid diets for me, my body refuses to cooperate. I'll let you know in about six months -so, around Thanksgiving.

"Champagne Hearts" Del Thomas 2007 Fiberart Postcard 6"W x 4"L
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Terry Grant said...

Yay! Good news!

I fight the same diet battle and hate that it's so difficult. If your GP has any good ideas, pass them along!

Linda Branch Dunn said...

Good news about your heart. Hard to imagine it's working away so hard through all we feel and do. Take care of yourself.

dee said...

Glad you're doing much better Del. We feel your pain here. My husband, BIL Bob & myself are all in the same boat. Exercise makes us all feel so good I don't know why we fight it so much. Thankfully it is the grilling season so our diets are much better. Lots of grilled veg and chicken, salads etc.
Good luck with your version. Portion control is one of our biggest problems.

Corky said...

Great news Del! The weight and exercise issue is a problem with us here too, but feeling better is the reward.

June said...

A great relief, Del, although the treatment, diet and exercise, makes me want to pull my hair. Good news/bad news -- yeah/rats!

Perhaps we should band together and urge each other to be better -- I certainly could use less food and more exercise. Hope springs eternal, and I'm always going to do better -- tomorrow -- snort --

Christine Thresh said...

I love your good news. I hate exercise, too. Perhaps your doctor can come up with a fun exercise program.

Loretta said...

Like so many things in life...this is bittersweet news. Hooray for your good heart (but we already know that!) and so far as the diet...that's the bitter pill! The Weightwatchers' program worked best for me -- eat small portions of a balanced diet and in weeks/months most of the excess is gone! A slow but sure way. Take yourself a longer walk each day, including in parking lots, etc. This is a good reminder to me too! Take care.

Mari said...

Hope you are feeling much better soon Del.....I'm so glad that it was something you can help with diet and exercise.

meggie said...

Such good news about your heart! I dread those words too!
I really love that postcard.