Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Saving the quilt for next Sunday! 06-08-09

Saw lots of this kind of sky with occasional blue patches - there is one in the upper left corner!

Not enough energy in my body nor time in a day! I have been traveling the last five days doing some serious thinking and seeing some Western landscape. Sometimes I just need to be alone and driving with no ultimate goal so that I can figure out some of my life's wartier problems. I think of it as, "when things get tough, Del gets going" and it works wonders for me. Could be just a day, or a night, or five days (as was the case this time). It is a form of isolation, although that becomes problematic with cell phones reaching out to almost anywhere.
I was at Joe and Mary's in San Juan Bautista last night and Blogger wouldn't coordinate with the dial-up. So, I will just save that quilt until next Sunday. Meanwhile, I have my travel story and only so-so photos to share this week. Definitely time to find a new camera; my trusty "quick shot" Nikon is so beat up that the battery door will only stay closed if I tape it. Anyone have a suggestion for what I should buy? Must have changeable lens and not weigh a ton.
It is always nice to come home, but, unfortunately, everything is exactly as I left it. Where are the friendly housekeeping fairies?

1 comment:

Rayna said...

LOL - the housekeeping fairies don't come to my house while I'm away, either.

Check out the Canon cameras. - I have both a little Nikon and a Canon and my Canon, which has fewer pixels, takes a much better picture. Better lens, I am sure.

YOu sound as though you need a hug, so here's mine.