Saturday, September 5, 2009

Just Another Sunset 09-05-09

Living near the western edge of the continent provides great opportunities for photography. Seems to me that sunsets are the most wonderful.

Corky and I went out on the patio to watch the sunset this evening. He is never impressed, but I can't resist a shot or two or twelve! Because of the decreased light I am never sure what I have until I can take the camera into the light and check, so I just take as many pictures as possible during the time the sun is setting. Out of twelve I may have two or three that are 'keepers'. This is looking southwest with the bridge over the harbor entrance on the left, where the red lights are at water level.

This is looking more due west and the sun is over the horizon. There were four boys playing with a soccer ball, but it went over the edge and they were not able to retrieve it - the rip-rap is very dangerous and difficult to walk on. Soon I saw the ball floating slowly off with the outgoing tide. Somehow the these colors always make me yearn for some ice cream - odd, that.
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1 comment:

Rayna said...

What gorgeous shots, Del. This bottom one reminds me of one I took at sunset in Florida a few years ago. You are such a good photographer, I always love your pix.