Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Learning I don't know about computers 09-01-09

Nothing like a lesson from a 'pro' to teach one how much they don't know about computers! I've never seen a screen as large as hers on a home computer, but already I have been told it isn't anything unusual. I think her process of putting up two newsletter pages side-by-side when she is working on her newsletter(s) is a great idea, so this is next on my list of things to buy. My little Fujitsu laptop in the bottom left won't even show one page at 100%! She also explained about files and how to move them around and sort things into them - amazing!!

But what I covet the most is a son who is knowledgeable about computers and is very helpful when Jeanne has a question or a problem. Now, why didn't I think of that forty years ago?

Jeanne waiting for me to settle down again. She might be resting her eyes from the computer, saying a little prayer like, "Give me strength", or perhaps she just needs a little nap. What a wonderfully kind person she is, I know I will never be able to thank her adequately.

Jeanne takes quilters on tours to both France, where she lived for sometime, and Japan, where she is knowledgeable about quilting and quilters. Wish I could go on the Japan tour that is scheduled for the first of November, but I think my health might be a problem. But maybe you can go, check the website at:


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1 comment:

Christine Thresh said...

It is great that you have Jeanne to give private computer lessons. I am from the school of "press this and see what happens."