Wednesday, October 28, 2009

PIQF #13 More World Competition Quilts 10-27-09

I was surprised to see this quilt in the Germany section - I never thought about Nancy Crow teaching in Europe! To anyone familiar with Nancy's classes this is immediately identifiable.

I find this very discordant, but interesting. To me the one horizontal black bar is the only 'eye resting' aspect. Looking closely at the quilting I think she was mistaken about not quilting more.

I admit - I don't understand this explanation at all, but I suspect some of you will.

A fascinating quilt that really stood out among those hanging near it. The fish are 'in school' but not regimented. The seaweed looks like trees.

The dancers are gleeful - even if they are lower than fish! It is as though the ocean and the land switched places. I'd like to have time to look more closely at this one.

This quilt won the Best of Country award (a blue ribbon) for the United States.
You can tell how very detailed it is. The ladies gathered around were remarking how hungry they were getting! Me, too. One would see something 'new' every time they looked at it.

The judges gave this one an Honorable Mention in the Innovative Category.

Since I am always fascinated by palm trees, I found this one amazing - a lot of depth and they really look like palm fronds from further back. It could be a window, couldn't it?
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Del,

Thanks so much for the detailed photos and comments! "The Fish are Rising" is a mystery to me, too.

I so enjoy seeing your quilt collection every week. How is the Poodle Prince?

Linda Laird